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TEA Break – Our Three-Month Update Newsletter

Jul 28, 2023 | Newsletters

TEA is the platform for inclusive investor relations that aims to align companies’ interests with ALL their investors, especially individuals. We stand for making investing better, fairer and sustainable for ALL.

In this first edition of our newsletter (‘TEA Break’) we cover:

  • Our progress to date – White paper is published, and TEA is launched!
  • Highlights – WoCoS revival, ‘Art and the City’ programme
  • Sharing Our Voice 
  • Limited edition ‘Founding Member’ invitation 
  • Future events 

Our progress to date

Our inaugural white paper 

Through our research spanning over 12 months, and outreach to around 150 contacts at UK PLCs, corporate advisers, institutional investors, sustainable tech firms, academic institutions, impact organisations, regulators, and trade associations, we have developed the white paper ‘The Path To Inclusive Investor Engagement – A Roadmap for Mutual Benefit’, which outlines modern principles and solutions for realising these goals.

TEA is launched!  

We formally launched The Engagement Appealas a social venture, whose purpose is to help both companies and individuals achieve more inclusive investor engagement.

The launch comprised a series of informal events in June, with illustrious guest speakers from the fields of investing, governance, sustainability and beyond.

Thank you, guest speakers:

  • Dr David Ko, the Author of ‘The Unsustainable Truth’
  • Wilfred Louwsma, Director, Broadridge
  • Tariq Hamoodi, Millennial Private Investor
  • Kirsty Britz, Director for Sustainable Banking, NatWest Group plc, and Non-Executive Director, Bohoo Group plc
  • Emma Reid, Company Secretary, Essentra plc
  • Alia Fazal, Head of Corporate Governance, BP plc
  • Jaime Tham, Company Secretary, Kier Group
  • Louis Cooper, CEO, the Non-Executive Directors’ Association (NEDA)
  • Lord Lee of Trafford, Active Private Investor and First ISA Millionaire
  • Emmeline, Sony Recording Artist

We are grateful for the generous support of our Inaugural Sponsor, Morrow Sodali, who have been exemplary in their stewardship of the movement for inclusive investor relations. We thank the Morrow Sodali team for helping us realise our launch activities.

We also extend our thanks to Investor Meet Company for continuously promoting shareholder democracy and enabling online participation to the launch events. Thank you too to Peel Hunt and Gracechurch Group for co-hosting some of the events.

The Engagement Appeal is a collective of people passionate about achieving true shareholder fairness and constructivism. We provide the platform for collaboration between corporates and individuals.

  • We are calling for all the companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and Aquis to sign up and commit to inclusive investor engagement by December 2025. For corporate membership, please contact us at, or see our special invitation below. Corporate membership with TEA will put you at the forefront of democratising investing and making it fairer for all. 
  • It is estimated that there are as many as 30 million UK individual investors. We look to compel the first one million individuals to join TEA by December 2025. To sign up as an individual member please click here: ‘Register’. Membership for individuals is free and comes with many perks, including: early access to our ‘edutainment’ initiatives, Partying For Change™ and the Biggest Shareholder Event Ever. Founding Members will also have a say on the concept that we are developing for the AGM Festival™. Our aim is to engage, entertain and educate retail investors – and you can be part of realising this mission.



WoCoS revival event was a great success.

The Women’s Company Secretary Circle (“WoCoS”) got together on Tuesday 11 July, supported by our Inaugural Sponsor, Morrow Sodali, and our DE&I partners, Audeliss and involve. The event was over-subscribed, and much was discussed on the current state and future of corporate governance, stewardship, and shareholder engagement.

Our expert panel chaired by Alison Owers, Managing Director, Head of UK at Morrow Sodali, included accomplished guest speakers, Emma Reid of Essentra plc, Councillor Joseph Vambe of Southwark Council, Stacey Parsons of Winterflood Securities, Karoline Hermes of Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and Ruth Odih of Centrica. All provided engaging and informative insights that cited solutions for continuous progress, DE&I, and generating positive impact that we can each make on people, planet and prosperity, with the courage to think differently. 

The ‘Art and the City’ Programme Launch 

We have launched the Artist Ambassadorship Programme, with recording artist, Emmeline, becoming the inaugural Artist Ambassador. The programme supports inter-generational and cross-industry collaboration. 

Sharing our voice

The team at TEA is comprised of thought leaders who are all committed to inclusive investor engagement. Please find our thoughts and opinion articles, research, and latest news here


Our highly anticipated late summer / autumn events program is just around the corner! Visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to catch all the exciting details and exclusive announcements. Our aim is to ‘edutain’ across all financial literacy levels.

Limited-edition founding member invitation

We invite corporates and individuals to sign up as Founding Members. As a Founding Member, you will have a say in the direction of TEA’s activities and be at the forefront of democratising investment and making it fairer for all.

It’s free for individual members (for now), please sign up here: Sign Up!

We offer a 10% discount to corporate members, limited to 100 places! Email us at quoting the code ‘GIVE 10’.

Join TEA! Let's shape the financial inclusion agenda together by facilitating inclusive investor engagement. Sign up now for FREE!

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